Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring Fling!!!!

The sits girls are at it again with their awesomeness. If you don't know who the sits girls are shame on you. Srsly.

This time they have gotten all interactive and stuff. Not only are they giving away a prize every hour!!!!! but, they have encouraged and linked up members to do the same!!! So what that means is that if you check out all of the links posted on their site, chances are you'll win something or at least be introduced to some stellar blogs. And yes, the girls I heart will be neglected today. All in the name of giveways :)

What is my contribution you ask?????????????

My giveaway (as supermommy called it) is a godiva truffles box (this one..the 12 piecer). Yep, you read right...GODiva. Oh and to my avid readers....yes, I got the part time job. Yay for me :)

Back to the task at hand, How do you get a chance to win you ask?????????

Leave Comment, 1 entry
Follow this blog, 3 entries

Easy Peasy.

Have fun and I hope you enjoy all of the possible winnings and all of the new blogs.

Hip Hip Hooray for SITS.


Queenie Jeannie said...

You had me at chocolate...........

Happy Spring Fling!

Come on over to my blog to register for my pearl earring giveaway too!!

Queenie Jeannie said...

I'm a follower now - sweet!

koopermom said...

Godiva. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Godiva - YUM!!!

Aubrey said...

You got the job!!!! Whoo-hoo!

I saw Godiva in the Spring Fling lineup and KNEW it was you! LOL I'm SO happy for you!

And I'll be happy for me too once I win this!

Michelle said...

Oh, I love chocolate! Nice blog background. :)

Simply AnonyMom said...

Chocolate! You rock!

Kati said...

I LOVE Godiva.. especially their chocolate strawberries!!

Kati said...

Thanks for following me! Following back!!!

Claremont First Ward said...

Oh boy, I'd LOVE to win this one!

Anonymous said...

I'd LOVE to win this!

Anonymous said...

And I'm now a follower :)

bichonpawz said...

Congratulations on your new job! And Godiva ROCKS!

Amy said...

Congrats on the new blog and sign me up! I looove chocolate :P

Unknown said...

Ooooh! Yum! I would love to enter your giveaway. My sister brought me a huge box of Godiva chocolate to the hospital when my daughter was born (12 years ago) and I ate every last piece of it. It is so good!

Thanks for entering my gourmet popcorn giveaway. Hope to see you around again.

Unknown said...

I'm a follower!


April said...

Chocolate is MY thing! Love it! Happy Spring Fling!

April said...

I'm now a follower! Woo hoo!

Rachel F said...

Following! Best Give away ever...chocolate...muahahaha

ikkinlala said...

May Canadians enter?

Janelle said...

Congratulations and THANKS for the giveaway! Have a wonderful week!!

debi9kids said...

Became a follower too!

Bramblemoon Farm said...

A woman after my own heart. Sigh. Chocolate is so wonderful:) I love easy peasy!

Anonymous said...

Who can pass up on chocolate? And Godiva at that? Yummy!

Carrie said...

Sitsta! All I needed to hear was Chocolate :)

Jen Sue Wild said...

Love me some Godiva!!

I Am Who I Am said...


Anonymous said...

You Go, you Diva! ;D

I don't want to win though! Just comment!

Annelie said...

I'm following :)

I love the Godiva!

Annelie said...

Thanks for a great giveaway!
Happy Giveaway!

Kerri said...

I'm sure the last thing I need is chocolate, but I want it! Thanks for scoming to my blog and entering my give away! If you haven't already, check ot my brand new store at www.messesandmudpies.com
You have sucha cute blog! I love it and now i'm going to go become a follower!

Casey's trio said...

Chocolate...you speak my language:) Happy spring fling!

Angie's Spot said...

OMG, Godiva is my favorite! Count me in and Happy Spring Fling!

Unknown said...

What girl does not like chocolate?

Unknown said...

New follower #1

Unknown said...

new follower #2

Unknown said...

new follower #3

Mimi said...

Yeah, I think I'll enter this one!

Carma Sez said...

truffles-yum yum

Mimi said...

I'm following you so feel free to pick my name any time now!

Shangrila said...

You're giving away chocolate!? A girl after my own heart! (Okay, who am I kidding? If you were a girl after my own heart, you would've eaten the chocolate instead of giving it away-lol!) I tried to follow you, but it won't let me, so I'll try back later!

Jingle said...

Congrats on the new job! Great giveaway!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

chocolate...godiva...count me in!

nikkicrumpet said...

I was sitting in my office in Massachusetts...when I felt a tingle...and heard somebody whisper chocolate....I followed the sound to your blog. PLEASE count me in!

Nessa said...

Congrats on the job!

Thanks for the chance to win chocolate!

Nessa said...

I am a follower now!

Barely Domestic Mama said...

Did someone say chocolate?! Godiva no less. Sign me up!

Happy Spring Fling!

tiarastantrums said...

yummy - my hips would be so thankful!

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Bring on the chocolate!

Craftymoose Crafts said...

I'm a follower

shortmama said...

God...Iva need me some chocolate!!! C'mon that was funny right!

Julia said...

Chocolate please, please, please!!!! :)

Need and apron? Check out my giveaway at the apron goddesses.

Megan R. said...

I am having days on end full of a screaming 4 month old. GODiva sounds FABULOUS!

Jenn@ The Crazies said...

Love me some GODIVA! Enter me!!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm chocolate...

I'm giving away Starbucks and Sensual products...aren't we both full of indulgence today...

Anonymous said...

I'm following you.

lynette355 said...

oh chocolate is heaven but GODIVA is ectasy!

Unknown said...

Mmmmm chocolate! Godiva?! OMG yummy! Thanks for the chance to win!

kport207 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

You are speaking my language! Yum!
Life is Sweet

DawnS said...

I saw chocolate and clicked away - I so want to win this one!

Brandy said...

All you gotta say is chocolate and I came running!

Dee said...

OH YUM! Chocolate is all it takes to count me in! But Godiva.......oh YUMMY!!!!!!

Tamara B. said...

Love Godiva and Happy Springtime to everyone!

Tiffany said...

Chocolate = love!

Sarah said...

I could use some chocolate!

Anonymous said...

Chocolate! Chocolate! Rah! Rah! Rah!

AP Mommy said...

Oh chocolate - de-lic-OUS!

Unknown said...

Dark chocolate! Yum!

Are you sick of white and feeling blue?
Then this is what you need to do.
Check out my "Gobs of Green" giveaway.
If you win, it will make your day!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

yummy yummy!!

Happy spring fling!

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Rachel Lundy said...

Chocolate? Fabulous!!!!!

MammaDucky said...

CHOCOLATE?! This has to be the best giveaway today!

MammaDucky said...

CHOCOLATE?! This has to be the best giveaway today!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm! I LOVE chocolate! I really want to win this one! And congrats on your job too!

scottsgal said...

Chocolate is my total weakness


Bunny B said...

Ooooh!!! Count me in!
bunnybx at gmail . com

April said...

Yum chocolate..... This sounds so good!

Shannon said...

you had me at GODIVA! Thanks!

MyLinda said...

mmmmmm, chocolate, mmmmmmmm!!!

RebeccaMom said...

great giveaway item!

Unknown said...

Oh yummy!

Pop over to mine for a chance at 6 prizes of Jewelry, Make-up & Perfume!

Anonymous said...

Goodness I think that I gained a pound just going through all of the spring fling eatable goodies!!!

valerie2350 said...

mmmm i'd love to win

valerie2350 said...


valerie2350 said...

follower 2

valerie2350 said...

follower 3

Eve said...

YUM!!! Please enter me!

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

Have shorted out my keyboard....


Unknown said...

What could be better than chocolate in the springtime. Thanks for the chance to win. :)

Unknown said...

Follow- and congrats on the job. :D

Shannon said...

Oh, wow! You've said the magic words:

Godiva. Chocolate.

Tammigirl said...

Hip Hip for chocolate... Hooray for Godiva!

Happy Spring Fling.

Tammigirl said...

I am following you, too.

Preston said...

Wow, 96 comments but I've always said, "better late than never." And I think I deserve the chocolates most because I thought I had the best contest going until I discovered you were giving away Godiva chocolates. (Trumped again but chocolate, dern it!)

Valerie said...

I love chocolate. Does it count if I am already a follower? If you haven't already hop over to my blog and enter my giveaway!

Lund7 said...

Great giveaway...chocolate!!

Lund7 said...

I'm a follower now!

Ginny said...

Oh, the magic gold box! Godiva is my favorite and they just closed the only store near me, so I haven't had any in forever...

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

I love chocolate. Who doesn't tho'.

ABCD Diaries said...

thanks for the chance to win these awesome chocolates!

Alex the Girl said...

Too many comments and not enough chocolate! Mmmm.

Unknown said...

Well, with so many contests to enter...a girl has to be slightly picky.

Let's face it...you totally had us all with the GODiva chocolate. Seriously you couldn't lose with that one.

Oh, and of course I'm lemming you...'cause I need to gain extra chances to feed my ass with some chocolate-y goodness. It would never forgive me otherwise.

Jackie said...

I'd love to enter! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

And congrats on the new job!

~Sandy~ said...

If life was like a Box of Godiva....i would be extremely happy! Stopping by from SITS :O) Have a great night

ParentingPink said...

Mmmmmm! Love chocolate - especially Godiva! Over from SITS - love the Spring Fling!

Jessica G. said...


Turtles In Northern Florida said...

aaaaaaah I usually only get Godiva when I visit my mom.I would sooooooooooooooo love this!

auntrene said...

Oh, Godiva Truffles, Oh please!!! they sound wonderful. I love Godiva Chocolate.
I Love Spring Fling too!!!

auntrene said...

I am following you, Are you following me, if you are bring the Godiva Chocolates to my blog please..

auntrene said...

Ok, I am following you, so now you can follow me.. Bring A map, Chocolates, Gas money, Road Trip

auntrene said...

Now that I am following you, I think you should follow me.. I have girl scout cookies on my blog.. They are yummy!!!
come on over, you know you want to....

shawn said...

Wow. I Love chocolate

Reeni said...

You have the best giveaway!! A treasure of mouth-watering chocolates, yummmm!!

Ellia C. Naturals said...

From a preggers mommy with a choco fettish, I thank you for this giveaway from the bottom of my ever growing tummy!!

Carla said...

Chocolate and blogs - what a lovely combination... Add a cup of coffee and I'd declare it down right sinful!

Megan said...

OMGOSH people! Do you not realize I'm going to HAVE to go into my kitchen and find CHOCOLATE after I get up off my butt that I've been sitting on all. day. long. because of all of these SWEET TREATS?!?!

Just send it to me and we'll call it even! ;0)

Susan said...

My mouth is watering just thinking about it.
Thanks for the chance!

Teresa said...

Oh wow, I'm drooling. This is one delicious giveaway. Thank you.
TRigell at aol dot com

Teresa said...

I am happy to follow.
TRigell at aol dot com

Teresa said...

entry 2 for following! Thanks.
TRigell at aol dot com

Teresa said...

Entry 3 for following!
TRigell at aol dot com

Sena said...

Me, please!

Lori said...


Lori said...

Following! :)
entry #1

Lori said...

Following :)
entry #2

Lori said...

Following :)
entry #3

Wendyburd1 said...

Cool! Please enter me and PICK me, LOL! :)

Mitz said...

I've never had Godiva-can you remedy that?! :)

minishoes said...

What a great giveaway! Who doesn't LOVE choc! thanks I am glad I seen this giveaway! jacquecurl@gmail.com

minishoes said...

I am a new follower. 3 entries jacquecurl@gmail.com

missy said...

yippeeee!!!! chocolate!!!!!!

missy said...

i follow!!!!

missy said...

i follow!!!!!

missy said...

guess what!??!!?!?
i follow!!!!!

The Dreamer said...

Literally a SWEET giveaway!

addeviant006 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

i LOVE godiva! i want to win!

Anonymous said...

i'm now a follower!

Melanie said...

If it's not too late, please for the love of chocolate, enter me! LOL

Aracely said...

Dude, I can't prove it but I was your first follower ever ;-) Remember?

Also since I called it, I should get like 10 more entries! Hope you're enjoying your new gig.

Jodi said...

What a nice giveaway! Yum!! Thanks so much!

Jodi said...

I'm now a follower too!

Carolyn G said...

I Love anything chocolate!!

Unknown said...

Hi! Great giveaway! I would love to win. I think I can find a little room in my pants for the growth spurt thats bound to happen around my hips after eating it!

Unknown said...



mememememememem please


mememememememem please

The Mathews Family said...

I NEED chocolate at this very moment!

Anonymous said...

You don't have a stop date for your stis!
oh no

I hope I haven't missed it.
I would love to win, some chocolate!
ashlomb at yahoo dot com

Nelsby said...

I LOVE Godiva so much...there aren't words to describe.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I follow your blog on Blogger...1.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I follow your blog on Blogger...2.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I follow your blog on Blogger...3.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Christina said...

Christina - xristya@rock.com - I never buy Godiva Chocolates on my own - but as a giveaway they're quite allowable!

Michelle said...

Oooooo, I'm drooling for the Godiva. I LOVE good chocolate. Yum!

Michelle said...

And I'm following. Good luck with that carpal tunnel from cutting out all the names ;)

ch said...

My name is Cindy and I'm a chocoholic. Nice to meet you!
I hope you will stop by my giveaway too at

sAm said...


Mama Wheaton said...

I found you on SITS this morning and I have to say you must have the most popular give-away. Chocolate seems to the big winner of the day. Congrats!

Shalee- Be Speechless said...

Oh man I love chocolate!! And your blog is super duper cute too!! :D

Shalee- Be Speechless said...

Yeah for being a follower!!

Unknown said...

Godiva, oh my!

Unknown said...

I'm following your super cute blog.

Reeni said...

Godiva Chocolates rule!! And so do you!


Godiva + me = happiness


Our Crazy Life said...

Everyone at my house LOVES chocolate and we would love to win!!

Monica said...

Ok so, I used to think that chocolate was chocolate and I loved it just as it was. Then my husband started buying me Godiva. Girl, I am a chocolate snob now. If I am going to eat chocolate candy, it better be Godiva!! I love it and best of all, I get to blame him for making me this way! I would love to win.

Monica said...

I am also following you now! YAY!

AiringMyLaundry said...

Oo I would love some chocolates. Chocolates make me happy.

Jessica said...

I am new to SITS so this is kind of fun.

Jessica said...

now a follower

Rachel Ann said...

Sounds yummy...count me in!

Wanda said...

Uhhh Go-diefor! Yum! I'll gladly take that off your hands!
Chocolate is a vegatable!

Tami (Pixeltrash) said...

Yeah on the job!

I knew there would be lots of entries for this one! Who can resist chocolate???

Shelby said...

Did someone say GOD-iva chocolate? :0)


me please!


I now follow


still following


following entry #3

Janet and Maya said...

OOH, OOH, OOH, the phrase, "hand over the chocolate and no one will get hurt" comes to mind! And Godiva no less! You rock! Thanks for such a scrumptious giveaway.


Janet and Maya said...

I'm a new follower and happy to do anything you say to get chocolate :)


Janet and Maya said...

I'm a follower entry #2, love bonus, love chocolate, love reading blogs :)



Janet and Maya said...

I was tempted to stop following and then I remember, CHOCOLATE. Seriously however, I am looking forward to reading your posts. And I have a lucky, lucky me feeling, maybe this is the winning entry. Come on random number generator, I'll share my chocolate with you. Am I disqualified for attempting to bribe the random number generator? Uh oh. Hope not.

Follower entry bonus #3. Lucky, lucky, lucky!


christyzee said...

...you had me at chocolate! I hate to admit it though {really whispering now} I've never had godiva chocolates! So you could imagine this would really make my day, no my week, heck probably my whole year!

christyzee said...

hehehe...still here, Yuppers, I'm following too!


christyzee said...

gonna do it again, this is fun!


christyzee said...

aww...this is the last one, I promise!

#3 cuz I'm following!

Mom on the Run said...

Great blog. I added you to my blog roll so I can follow daily.

I also became a follower. SITS rocks!

Anonymous said...

I'm FOLL-OW-ING (that is my attempt at a sing-song voice).


Anonymous said...

I'm FOLL-OW-ING (that is my attempt at a sing-song voice).


Anonymous said...

Just added you to my favs and this is a great site!

Diva Scrapper said...

Awesome...who wouldn't love some Godiva on a day like today!
Stopping by from SITS.
Have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day...may your day be filled with rainbow colors, your pockets with golden coins and most of all may your beer tonight be GREEN!

Linda said...

Godiva truffles are my favorite! Good luck with your new job.

Anonymous said...

Wow! 196!....
Everyone LOVES Godiva. :-D
Just dropped in from SITS.....love your blog. Hope your day has been a beautiful one.