Saylor is talking about her feet of course....she just found them and it is adorable to watch her play with them and put them in her mouth. If not, ask these penguins (thanks again betty and david).

All in all, it is
really easy to change her diapers these days...... can't you tell? Doesn't everyone do a little capoeira or breakdancing before one?

Oh and to answer those asking the question, a resounding "Yes!!!!", this is what I do all day. I did it with Athena and now I am with Saylor. The best part is that I love it and wouldn't trade it for the world....well, a high salary whilst enjoying my spawn would be nice ;)
Aww look at those yummy, scrumptious thighs! Looks like you're feeding her well Barbie. ;) Miss Blaze is looking cute as usual too. Love those Ah Ha! moments from babies.
hugs and kisses!
Delicious. Delectable. Divine.
Seriously you have the most gorgeous children. And I CANNOT wait to see them!! YAY!
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