Every single time I put these on Saylor, I sing this song. Every single time.
She wears them a lot.

5 Benefits of Dark Chocolate
Reading this you say.....how can this be true? How could the oompa loompas and Willy been right all along? Really, this list triggers a bunch of questions right?
Well let me share a story that will show you how truly committed I am to my health.
I was at our fabulous mall the other day. I was with a girlfriend and just strolling in and out of stores. It was nice, I had only one of the daughters that I heart with me so it was quite manageable. We meandered into the chocolatier named Godiva. What a great place; it smells and looks divine. The truflles are precisely placed within the glass case with the utmost of care, making them look more like jewelry and less like "just" chocolate. The gold boxes and ribbons strewn about are very inviting and just scream luxury and decadence. I start to chat it up with the sales girl and and begin to discuss chocolate and flavors and the such. All of a sudden (don't know if it was the endorphins running amuck), almost as if it was an out of body experience I ask her "are you hiring"? She smiles and says, "why, yes we are". She continues and says "only for part time though. I am looking for someone just a couple of nights a week". I smile wider and say "may I have an application please?" I take it and put it in my purse. As I walk out of the store, I realize that I could potentially be working there.
I get called for an interview the day I turn in my application. I excitedly agree and set up the time. I get dressed for the interview and try to get my head around what questions they will be asking. Thoughts run through my head...I have not worked for the past 4 years,....when I did work it was in mental health and in management....I only worked retail for a few years in college. I feel like I am a bit rusty. I go to the interview anyway.
We were enthralled in conversation and the interview felt like it was going great. I didn't realize how many many skills are transferrable. I also had to use examples from Mommy groups and Blazing Cheesecakes to complement my "tell me a time when you..." examples.
We wind down our convo, she seems happy with the way it went, she asked other pertinent questions like availability and stuff. I say that I am willing to work a couple of nights a week. I start to think that Michael will have to do the dinner/nighttime routine by himself and then I feel bad for him. Then I quickly remember that I would be missing out on the chaos and fun. Then I remember that I will be missing out on the chaos and fun.