It's thursday again!!!! Wow does time ever fly by when you get old.
Thousand Word Thursday- Caption picture and what you think subjects are saying/thinking.
Thank you for your support (in a bartles and james way)
Thousand Word Thursday- Caption picture and what you think subjects are saying/thinking.
Thank you for your support (in a bartles and james way)
You know, these strawberries are like nacho cheese. NOT CHO'S.
That came from my 16 yo! Good stuff!
Man....You're a BUFF chick!
Two for me, none for you.
I KNOW you're gonna share those with me...
oh, you expect me to share these Godiva chocolate strawberries your mother gave me...not a chance..sit quietly you patient girl, today it gets you nowhere :)
What? This strawberry right here? Yeah, you can just keep dreamin' girlfriend...mwaaahaahaahaa...
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