I was remembering how badly I wanted this little machine. It was the bees knees back in middle school and I had it on every "wish" list I could muster.
One Christmas, I finally receive the epilady and thought it was so cool.
I was so cool.
I mean come on, I had the power of an electric hair removal system in my hand. It looked smart, it was ergonomically designed to feel smart and the commercial was awesome. I was so stoked, I pulled up my pajama pant bottom and looked at my hairy leg. I was so excited to (in a circular motion) to remove my unwanted hair.
*******This thing was barbaric.*******
I did not know about wine and percocet at age 12, but, I think you truly would need this when using. The pain (to me) was enormous. For those of you who don't remember (or have blocked out of your memory), this thing had a coil like this...
and it would rotate around and "catch" the hairs and pluck them out for you. It was like a tweezer on a treadmill (not sure how that would work, but you get where I'm going). You went too slow you would be in agonizing pain, you went too fast you would just graze over your hair. Moving the rotating spring across the skin caused the hairs to be "caught up" in the spring and pulled out the hair. Ugh, I cringe just remembering that thing.
I used it for a good 34 seconds and promptly put it back in the box and swore I would try again. I had to. It was an epilady folks. I knew I needed to use after bath or shower, pull skin taught, start slowly, go in direction of hair growth (did this even matter), and use moisterizing cream.
I never touched the thing again.
I was terrified.
That thing sat in it's box with all of it's bells and whistles forever. I have no clue what ever happened to that epilady, I just know that I hope some of you remember this and can share your experiences with me.
You do remember right?
I need to go to sleep.