I am from Miami, my children, are not. We live *near* Galveston Beach, Texas. This is not like a beach from Miami (please, don't be mad at me Texans). I am not dogging the beach, or trying not to anyway. Anyhow, it doesn't matter, look at them....they don't seem to care that they are swimming in yoo-hoo.
Mrs Y
Ah, thanks for the belly laugh before bedtime. Between the yoo-hoo and the SS pizza pics, I can go to sleep a happy hag.
More like: mop water! Add to that, 50 cups of salt! And rusted brillo pads scattered about! But hey...that's all we got! You either love it or hate it. Gotta love it!
girl - I HEAR YOU. As much as I love the Carolina's their beaches are... meh. But I have to say, I would rather the people on the Carolina beaches over the douchebags on MIA beach ANY DAY. PS - that picture of Saylor made my ovaries shriek. She is too damn cute. Oh and Athena is looking more like you/BiBi every day.
"is this what you do all day" I have been asked, and I have to say "why, no of course not". (roll eyes and try to think of what exactly it is I do all day if it isn't kid or cuteness related). All new to the mom thing and to the blogging thing so I decided to merge them together as seamlessly as possible. Mother of two chicas and wife to an incredible hombre. Got a toddler's eye view of the world and lol'ing my way through it. I am a Stay At Home Psychotherapist and Cheesecake maker. Both exceptionally similar to me :) I travel extensively (mentally) and even have frequent flier miles to prove it.
Ah, thanks for the belly laugh before bedtime. Between the yoo-hoo and the SS pizza pics, I can go to sleep a happy hag.
I couldn't help myself - I clicked on the Yoo-Hoo link.
Get over it. Galveston rocks. Done.
More like: mop water! Add to that, 50 cups of salt! And rusted brillo pads scattered about!
But hey...that's all we got! You either love it or hate it.
Gotta love it!
girl - I HEAR YOU.
As much as I love the Carolina's their beaches are... meh. But I have to say, I would rather the people on the Carolina beaches over the douchebags on MIA beach ANY DAY.
PS - that picture of Saylor made my ovaries shriek. She is too damn cute.
Oh and Athena is looking more like you/BiBi every day.
that would be Carolinas. Not possessive. I know me some grammar.
didn't notice any crappy beach just a couple of adorably cute girls!!
yoo hoo.... ROFLMAO
I would settle for ANY beach at this time. LOL
LOOK at their smiles. They are having too much fun. Cuteness overload!!!
Haha.. I used to call Galveston Beach "chocolate milk" beach. :)
Thanks for the laugh!!
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