Friday, October 30, 2009


I am alive. All is well. Thanks for the search party everyone, but I am just BUSY. I miss y'all though. I miss being the blogger and bloggee. There are plenty of awesome blogs that I have not read in a long time.

In a nutshell....

Found a house
Bought a house
Got a part time job
Left other part time job
Got sick
Got better
Enrolled Athena in Tap
Enrolled Saylor in music class
Lost my mojo
Will find it soon, *crossing fingers*
Needing halloween costumes for girls
Using last year's costumes for girls
Buying furniture for new home
Decorating new home
Watching Dexter on Netflix
Spending money on etsy

So, I just wanted to check in and say that I will be back soon. I have had many thoughts and want to share but it will have to wait :(

Oh and best news of all (being utterly sarcastic) is that our new house does not have dsl, or cable, or FIOS. It only has...are you ready.......


Domestic Goddess..Diva sometimes said...

OMG Haven't heard THAT sound for over 10 years. Wow. That sucks Barbie. :(

~Corey said...

You know we only had dial up at our house when we first moved in. We called the cable company every week for MONTHS and even offered to pay for them to run cable to our house. I don't think they thought we were serious. When they told us $2K and we said OK, they just went ahead and did it for free. I recommend hassling the cable company until they give in!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Dialup?? Seriously?? You HAVE to look into that satelite kind or something!!!

Hugs! I'm sure you will have everyone and everything settled before you know it!

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