You read right.
M. R. I. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. I had one this morning. Not for anything too scandalous, just to figure out the vertigo I have been feeling as of late. (the above picture is not of me, even though, I did need to go get my facial hair waxed).
It. was. fabulous. I know I sound psychotic, but, I have not been this relaxed in a long time. After the prep, it was all smooth sailing.
I removed my nose ring, earrings, and ring ring. I was covered with a nice cozy and soft blanket and I had to lay
completely still on this sliding table
thingee. My forehead was strapped down and was instructed to "not move, or breathe
too deeply".
If I moved, they would have to start again. I was told the first one would be for 25 minutes and then they would pull me out of the machine and inject me with gadolinium (a contrast material to help see the issues better) and then put me back in for ten. I was then handed ear plugs to help keep the noises that
whirr around you lowly. Finally, I was handed this button to press if I completely wigged out.
I asked all of the pertinent questions 1. "well when you say move do you mean like
move move?" he answered, "if you need to move, you can move your big toe, slightly", 2."can I blink?" he answered "softly", 3."What if I need to cough?" he answered "swallow gently", 4."an itch?" he answered "tough titties" (he really didn't), he said I would have to "weigh out the consequences of scratching", 5."how long is this going to be again?" 25 for the first one, injection then 10", 6. "will it hurt?" he said "no". Then he asked "ahem, can we get started"?
Strapped in, arms crossed (with panic bulb in them), feeling cozy, we started. I immediately closed my eyes and started to hear all sorts of noises. They were like humming, knocking and low vibrations. Can you say "sleepy time". I was being shushed to sleep. I knew I didn't want to sleep b/c of the fear of snoring or twitching or moving but I also knew I could be alert and waiting b/c the 25
minutes would drag on. So I hovered in the weirdest, most relaxing little place. I let my mind float
around and I ran through all sorts of lists and situations and scenarios. I watched my breathing but allowed myself to go from thought to thought. It was quiet, cool, I was still. It was
so relaxing. After becoming a mother, these moments are so few and far between. Listen to how relaxed I was that he peers in to the machine and says to me, "I will be pulling you out now but DO NOT MOVE. I will inject you and place you back in". I didn't answer him or nod or really anything. I was pulled out, vein was found, needle put in, eyes tightened a
smidgen, and I was placed right back into the vessel. 10 more minutes and voila, done. I was so relaxed. He said I did great and the pictures were "great and very clear". I was happy to hear. And relaxed.
So, next mothers day, ask for the
MRI special. If you're like me, you'll be happy you did.